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Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Embrace yourself completely

It constantly surprises me how much life has changed. Seems like only yesterday things were so different. Life was simple. The only person I had to take care of, was myself. Today, I am responsible for so many more lives. It's quite daunting. I still find myself amazed at how awesome my life has turned out. 

There is no way I would change any aspect of my life. With all it's peaks and valley's, it is lead me to this point. There is still so much more to learn and experience. When the time is right I will start those journeys. For now these speed bumps on the path I follow build and add to my character. 

Aspects of my personality have changed numerous times and quite likely will continue to do so. Keeps life interesting and everyone on their toes. Sometimes I even manage to surprise myself. 

Everyone has opinions as to how they feel I should live life. Yet they don't have the faintest idea who I am. Others are trying to 'figure me out'. Why? Is your life truly that empty? 
People need to learn to mind their own business. Allow people to just be. How is it any of your concern what others are doing with their lives? I honestly wonder, if I were to take a magnifying glass and start analyzing your life, what would I find? What would I learn about you as a person? 
Difference between me and them? I don't care, my own life is way more interesting. 

I am now learning there is no shame in the past. I don't enjoy nor do I appreciate people pitying me. Yes I have experienced things some of my elders would never understand. That doesn't mean those experiences weren't meant for me.I survived each of those situations. Walked away much stronger and wiser (hopefully). 

I will not go into any details as to what the past holds. Maybe one day when I'm ready. That will not be today.
Sometimes the past still haunts me like a terrible nightmare, As would be expected. Then I need to remind myself where I currently am. That I have already won my battles against those terrible 'monsters'. That I AM a winner, survivor, fighter. That I am capable of overcoming anything. 

So if you ever find yourself with your back up against the wall with the 'monsters' hovering over you. whispering lies in your ears. Stand tall push back and shout "I have already survived you, your'e powerless over me". Watch them vanish into nothingness. That's what they are, NOTHING.

Keep keeping on. Remind yourself you an amazing specimen of God. Already a victor over every battle heading your way. 

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