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Friday, 7 April 2017

Anti Body Shaming from a Skinny Girl

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The life of any woman is not an easy one. We endure so many issues and obstacles throughout our lives. Always being judged and criticized on how we behave and how we look. We follow silly trends and listen to foolish critiques. No one is safe from body shaming, both male and female go through this. It's easy to look at someone and judge them on their appearance, instead look inward and start loving yourself. People who love themselves have no need to pick at other's insecurities. We're all beautiful and unique in our own right. Just accept and respect the next person, regardless of your opinions.  

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I don't have time for any form of body shaming. Why should we all look alike? We are individuals. So it makes no sense attacking someone on their appearance. Our grandparents, parents, siblings are all beautiful. Let's embrace and celebrate that.
Being the mother to 2 beautiful girls and a son, makes this an important topic to me.
My son is a teenager, so he is obviously going through the searching for his identity phase. He doesn't need foolish people mocking his appearance.
Then there is my 6 year old daughter. Who attends school, so she gets hurtful comments from her peers. I have heard adults mutter under their breathe that she is chubby (fat). I choose not to react to those comments because I don't want her to be aware of them. She has mentioned that people call her fat. Of course I went to the school to find the culprits and resolve it. What kind of person says such horrible words to a child?
Fortunately the last one is only a baby. Thankfully there have not been negative comments (as far as I know). I do want to protect her from any and all harm. Life will be better as soon as people learn to love others.

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Having been skinny all my life. Throughout my childhood as well as a majority of my adult life, I've had to tolerate silly comments. A lot of people have told me that I have some form of eating disorder or the other. I have even been compared to people in Ethiopia. Having Children, brought comments about how, "you're so lucky, you just shot back". People mocked me. I was put down because I didn't have the 'perfect' body. I lack 'curves'. For a very long time I felt unworthy and not easy on the eye. Recently I have realized there is nothing wrong with me. I am no better nor am I worse than anyone else. I still admire many other women and there appearance. Difference is now I don't feel the need to compare myself to any of them. I can appreciate their beauty as well as my own.

People who have known me all my life will tell you, I've not been known to have the healthiest lifestyle. Recently I have started eating healthier, as well as trying to workout often too. It's not easy, especially when you have a household that depends on you. I do my best with the time I get. With healthier habits you can start to see change happen within your body, depending on your goals. After all, it's more important to be healthy and happy regardless of shape.

Go on, live your life, be happy, love others. Life is meant to be enjoyed. So let's do that with all our hearts. 

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