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Wednesday, 5 April 2017

15 Uses For Baking Soda

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For some time now I have been using baking soda; also known as sodium bicarbonate, as a cleaning and beauty product, as well as an all round health and wellness product. I use it in every area in my life and it works wonders. Works fast and no harmful chemicals. These have been tried and tested by myself. With baking soda I am at peace knowing I am giving my family the best. They are in a clean environment without the use of poisonous products. 

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  1. Washing household clothing - White clothing is whiter, colors are brighter. Protects and cleans baby clothing too. For extra dirty whites I add some vinegar to the wash.
  2. Cleaning and freshen carpets and couches - Since using baking soda, it's quick and easy. I add some fabric softener to add fragrance.
  3. Oven - Looks brand new. Without using too much elbow grease. For very bad ovens use vinegar in addition.
  4. Teeth whitening and freshen your breath - Why spend unnecessary money at the dentist when you simply make a paste with lemon juice and coconut oil. Use regularly with your usually toothpaste. you will definitely start seeing results in no time.
  5. To exfoliate face, lips and body - I use coconut oil to make this paste. apply this once or twice a week depending on my need.
  6. Lighten pigmentation - After the birth of my daughters my skin couldn't decide on one color so I ended up with a two toned face. Found this recipe online and it's worked wonders. 
  7. Clean counters and tiles - With dish-wash soap. If need be I will add vinegar to this too, but works just as well without.
  8. Neutralize bad odors - So many bad smells in our homes from shoes to fridge. As much as we clean up some smells can't be avoided. That's where baking soda comes in handy. 
  9. Clean stained nails - Wearing nail polish all the time come at a price. By soaking it in baking soda clears that right up. 
  10. Cleaning kettle, microwave, and fridge - This is something that really grosses me out. These are items we use daily. So it's vital that they are clean. The kettle I boil few times with some lemon juice, afterward I rinse it. Boil boil it some more with clean water. The microwave, I also sometimes add some lemon juice as well. I add vinegar in water with the fridge and clean it out. Also keeping some bicarb in the fridge helps with bad smells. 
  11. Heartburn relief - This one saved me numerous times during my pregnancy, Its an amazing antacid when you need something urgent. Also helps constipation.
  12. Cleaning brushes - Brushes often need a deep clean. So a good soak and comb out does the job. 
  13. Cleaning blocked drains - Often things wash down the drain. So they need to get cleaned. Adding salt before lemon juice. Let sit for 5 minutes, then throw boiling water over. 
  14. Clean and freshen dustbins - I throw some baking soda directly into the bin then add handy andy and start washing and dry. Finally allow to air dry completely. 
  15. Hair cleanser - Add a teaspoon to shampoo to lift any residue remaining in your hair.
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