The latest in South Africa is the "Zuma must fall" march. As South Africans we have had just about enough of these government employees getting a free ride. At the end of the day it is their job to negotiate better conditions for the rest of the country not fill their own pockets, and providing cushy lifestyles for their families at our expense. While the rest of the country is simply trying to make ends meet. These people seem to think they are untouchable, that we will continue to sit quietly in a corner and be quiet. I am glad people are now taking a stand.

This country went through an exciting change on the 10 of May 1994. When Nelson Mandela was elected the first black president. Every race and age united as we welcomed a new age for our country. The name Nelson Mandela is renown worldwide for all that he has accomplished in his lifetime, and for our country. He was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize with FW De Klerk for the new democratic South Africa in 1993. He had such big dreams for this country and the people of this country. He would be disgusted to see how far it has fallen.

Now once again the country has been united in the removal of current president Jacob Zuma. On the 16 December 2015 South Africans from all walks of life united once again to march against President Zuma, people have now reached the point of 'enough'. The #ZumaMustFall march. We've been through so much as a country. There is no reason we have to put up with a president who can't take anything serious. He laughs everything everything off, this is clearly all one big joke to him. This joke is on us.
No South African can truly mean when they say "Life was simpler, during the apartheid". Though people are being pushed to resent the current ruling party, the ANC. They are just buggering everything up.
This is the same man who believes AIDS can be washed away by a hot shower.
Here is an article about the sex and AIDS issue.
He is a complete joke! Does this man honestly see nothing wrong with standing in front of millions (billions, trillions and one) and making a complete fool of himself.
Our Very Own Wrecking Ball!
God alone knows what reason they have changing the street names. We're left baffled. Not even navigation tools know where to send us anymore. Type in "Albertina Susulu", you will get ten options in completely different areas. What's the purpose of this beside messing with our heads. Its bad enough my internal navigation is wonky, just stop already!
Even the children are complaining.
Mandela fought for the people of South Africa's freedom, it is time for us now to take a stand a fight for ourselves. Don't allow government to bully us.
FYI the rest of us can read, write and count!
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