Make Money From Home

Monday, 30 November 2015

Delayed South Africa

This is a short blog...

As usual South Africa has a lot of catching up to do. I have started blogging as a means to communicate with the outside world.

This concept is foreign to many South Africans. I have received many different opinions. Most people seem to think I am doing this for attention. Others feel it's childish and a waste of time. I have decided to do this because I actually enjoy it. I love the fact that I can sit at home and still reach so many people from different countries. I wish others could see the joys and possibilities in it.

I am hopeful that this will one day bare fruit and grow into something amazing. Until then I am quite grateful that I do this and receive enjoyment out of it. This is the one thing that I possess that is all mine. There is no need to consider anyone.

Being a stay-at-home mom is difficult as is. It has many limitations, and lots of people to consider. I  appreciate having this outlet.

It saddens me when I think that so many people are unaware as to the wonders of the internet. A lot of people see the bad only, they refuse to see all that one can achieved by simply using this tool. Many people around the world are using this to make millions. Yet South Africans fail to see this.
hopefully in the near future they will see it too.

Most people in this country are too busy minding everyone else business. That why they fail to make anything of their own lives. So the only people to blame for their sad lives are themselves.

The other reason I blog is that this provides me with the platform to be myself completely. To say whatever I feel to be true. Of course I expect people to judge me but that is none of my business.
The most important thing in life is to be true to oneself. Do what makes you happy regardless what others think. If that does upset others, that's just a bonus!!!

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Sunday, 22 November 2015

Life of a mom at home

I have been quiet lately, as I have been busy looking into a few work from home options. Mostly surveys and PTC. These have been time consuming and slow. I didn't expect anything different. Though recently I have been feeling like I need more. So much needs to be done financially and slow and steady just wont work.

I could finally have found what I've been looking for, not yet sure. I have to admit, thus far I have tried a few options. All sorts of lies and empty promises, that out of desperation, I found myself falling for them. Of course I obviously have doubts. Unfortunately these things require money. So at some point we find ourselves scooping money out anyways. It's difficult, being a parent who wants to provide all that we never had for our children.  

Without any doubt I intend on continuing with the surveys and PTC options. They keep me busy, and I am curious to see how they pan out.

The most important thing in life is to always do your best, and find what makes you happy. Sad thing for myself, is that I am still to find out what that is. I find myself in a situation where I still don't know where I belong, nor what I should do. I have tried many different options. They were not for me. Currently I personally feel that working from home would suit me best. Not interested in the 9 to 5 options. Also, working from home, means I still get to play a major role in my family's lives. I can go visit family whenever the mood strikes me, and make sure my children are taken care of. I don't trust anyone else with that task.

There most certainly are ways to make money from home. That is the reason I have not given up. How can I give up when I am so close?

You are closest to your dreams when you finally have nothing more to lose. I have now reached that point. Hit rock bottom, yet for some reason I have not yet given up. I still see the light at the end of the tunnel. Normally at this point I would have long given up. This time around I know that I am so close, that giving up is no option. That knowledge is exciting and scary. It's good that even when people are looking at me and see hopelessness I can still find my light.

No matter what you may find yourself in. It is never too late. We are all different and things are set out for us at different times. I am learning to be okay with that. I feel it is better for me to cut myself off from others. Having to listen to them drudge on about their sad and pathetic lives is draining and none of my business. Also those annoying braggers who feel the world revolves around them.  They tend to bring you down and suck the good and positive about of you.

Don't give up, as long as you're still running the race is not over!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Be your own best friend

How often do we wake up and realize we have been neglecting ourselves. We're so busy giving and doing for everyone else, that doing anything for yourself seems near impossible. I have tried on numerous occasions to put me first, (has not yet worked out in my favor).

I know so many other women who find themselves in this same predicament. Once we become responsible for our loved ones, that becomes our soul purpose in life. So many discussions are brought up about how unhealthy this type of lifestyle can be. Even with that knowledge, breaking out of that habit seems so far out of reach.

I am aware that there are woman who are capable of separating their personal lives from their family lives. So that means it is achievable. I am in absolute awe of them, hopefully I can get to that point myself.
Every time I've attempted, I found myself drowning in guilt. I'd beat myself up for neglecting my responsibilities. Then feel guilty about thinking of putting my needs first, for not following through and achieving my goals. For even considering putting myself ahead of the others. Jumbled emotions that swell inside to the point of near explosion. Can't do that either, it might upset everyone else.

Lately I have realized the kids are growing up, where would that leave me?
Fortunately blogging has provided me with an outlet to blurt out these thoughts of randomness. I have sat down tried to think of things I used to enjoy, I now find those things bore me.

I suppose the other side to my issues are my past. Constantly being reminded of my failures, hearing I'm a bad parent. Being blamed for everything that possibly could go wrong in life. I could be holding onto that as some sort of crutch and reminder to never let go. That I should be readily available for everyone, but myself.

It doesn't help having the knowledge that so many people outside are capable of harming our kids, then people have the audacity to call that paranoia. How does it make you paranoid when these disturbing stories are true? As a parent, our job is to protect our children. Which means, being alert to any and all possible dangers. Can't trust just anyone with our most prized possessions.

I used to be the type of person that did my own thing. No one could make me do anything I didn't want to. These days I seem to fall for any sob story, because of my nature I make it an absolute nightmare for those who force me to do what I don't want to. As I start feeling angry that they try to steal my free will. so that makes me bitter.

I am starting to see that I do matter. I need to take better care of me, regardless how anyone else feels about my choices. If they choose to have my choices affect them, then that's on them not me.

Love yourself and enjoy your own company. Be your own best friend!

Time to grow up.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Life in South Africa

What a country to live in. The things we tolerate in this country in ridiculous.

Our beloved E-Toll.
How did they think that would make sense? No one is going to pay to drive on their own roads. Seriously, these roads have been around longer than most of us have been alive. So why should we pay to use them? Most people have decide to completely boycott this process. They do have a valid point. To top this off, when this came out they offered people the choice. To sign up or not. No one in their right mind would choose to sign up to support government anymore than we already have. I spoke to numerous people who are furious at this.

Now we have to deal with power and water outages too. I wonder often is this South Africa or Somalia? We are not used to this. Now each household needs to make alternate plans for the power and water outages. Kind of makes sense for people to choose to relocate. Living here becomes more and more of a disadvantage. How are we too contend with the top dog countries at this rate. We can't even provide our own country with the basics. Seems now like once a week (or if we're lucky a month) we have lights out. This is not okay. Especially the households with elderly and/or babies. The rest of us can get by fine. Not those two groups. Thankfully I am not in that situation. Though I definitely get annoyed when I can charge Ipads or Smartphones. I'm sure many people would agree that can be quite annoying

Don't get me wrong I am quite aware that we currently have a drought. That has nothing to do with the government. I do though wish they would attempt something to help the matter. I can't imagine how under privileged people in SA are surviving this. Fortunately we are in a position where we can go to a shop to buy water. Not very many people have that luxury. Suppose this should be the part where we come together and unite in this. Help our fellow brethren. It costs most people nothing, but mean the world to others.

Funny when I watch television and see things things people are whining about it. We have become ungrateful brats. How often (if ever) do we take a moment out of our busy days and just be thankful for what we have.

Before you go to bed tonight make a list of all you have to be grateful for before you close your eyes.